The word'craving' is often used for citing either mood swings or digestive ailments.But I am not here to discuss the cravings we all irrespective of age and boundaries experience at midnight.This sweet little cravings are the few sweet joys and playfulness of life which we miss out in confirming to chaos of standardisation in recent times.Recently I witnessed an incident which compelled to pour my heart out here.A small boy aged around 8-9 years was returning from school.I remember while I was in school I used to play games like word games and some others,I remember discussing with my friends the new household work they have learnt like sweeping,tiding the study table,applying cover on textbooks or at best washing own uniform while returning from school.Our innocence was not marred by the advanced technological gadgets and chaotic hectic life.I found the child operating something with speed on the mobile screen.He was not aware of his surroundings.The blooming flowers didn't attract him neither the crowd amazed him,he was lost in the world of videos and images.I remembered the times when my friends would compete for picking pebbles and throwing them in trajectory to see how far it goes.I have seen the scoff in my class teacher's eyes when we all got drenched in drizzling rains on one afternoon.She was angry but she took up a towel and wiped all of us clean.The small joys of childhood are visibly missing in today's international branded schools and aristocracy.No doubt times are changing yet the values we learnt as children are severely missing in today's tiny tots.Its wise to change in keeping rapport with the time yet we should n't forget our roots.The sweet little cravings of dancing again to tunes afloating in air from a far away reception party,sheltering under a tree to saviour road side eatery,riding a cycle and enjoying the morning hues of nature still linger.But we are unfortunately caught in cob webs of modern life.We have trampled the cravings being confirmists.Is this the real value of our life? Does our life revolve around the vicious circle of routine-work/studies-connecting with people via media-sleep?Answers are bound to vary.Yet we should all no matter what squeeze out few minutes and spend in fulfilling out sweet little cravings irrespective of what people around us say or how they react.Life is like a bubble and we don't know if 'Kal Ho Na Ho'.So let's derive the maximum pleasure from the smallest cravings of our lives.
The Positive Faith

Till my last dream,smile and breath-its YOU
Thursday, 10 December 2015
Sunday, 27 September 2015
The Freedom We Claim
Before plunging,probing,dissecting and criticising the post I would like the readers to forget temporarily the cliched quotes and ideas on freedom.Its not about the freedom of human beings only rather about animals also.Few days before I went to the Nandankanan Zoological Gardens,Bhubaneswar.I was near the enclosure of lions I heard a co visitor complaining about the lost freedom of lions.Some others agreed with him.But a question prodded me for too long.Are the animals not happy with the amenities provided to them? An animal is definitely entitled to freedom.Each one of us is.Its our birth right.But if our freedom is exchanged in for some good expenses which are beneficial for us only would we hold grudge against the institution? In my opinion NEVER.Let's visualise a certain thing.We are in a room well maintained and well ventilated.Yet we have no freedom to go outside some barriers.Provided barriers ensure our safety only.Crossing the barrier means danger to our life only.We are provided with sumptuous meals as per our requirements.A doctor is available round the clock.Would anyone of us break free from the room and its set barriers and claim freedom jumping over the barriers' boundaries.That would be real folly if anyone does the same.Like wise no one can claim that we are free.We are bound by rules of authorities and institutions.We are shackled by set barriers of community/society.
Similarly zoo is an institution with its own set of rules.The animals are not only kept in the zoo for amusement or recreation.A heap amount of money are spent for them to cater to their needs.The animals behind the enclosures feel safe from predators,unfavourable atmospheric conditions,loss of habitat,fear of poachers,loss of herd/group and even mates and finally the unavailability of food.Perhaps Zoos have all been painted with a darker shade by people.While children enjoy watching the royal bengal tiger yawning and the Siamese crocodile basking in the sun dipping its snout in the water adults let out snorts of disgust with the idea of keeping animals in captive.Are we not being a bit too judgemental about the freedom in the zoo that the animals enjoy? I asked a few of my friends to write an essay on zoo,and I was shocked that all of them have mentioned it as a place which deprives animals of their own habitat and ''freedom''.A place of research,breeding and amusement is what I define a zoo as.If we think a little out of box we can visualise ourselves in a zoo too.Are we not in an enclosure of materialistic comforts,friends and partners,lavish living and fulfilled desires? Yes we are.Who is free in this world? None.When our own planet Earth is not free from the rule of rotating and revolving around its axis and around the sun in its specified orbit then how can we crib about our and the animals' lost freedom.
Freedom is not breaking away from rules,regulations and shackles that bind us.Freedom is never physical its always psychological.We break rules claiming it as breaking free then...we meet with accidents and lose our dear lives.What is that freedom which endangers our very existence.I prefer living in a safe enclosure than roaming in freedom and getting attacked by predator or poacher.If being a human with a thinking mind I choose safety over freedom then why an animal will not opt for safety.At the end of the day we all dearly care for our precious lives.Be it animals or we...There is no difference.
P.S.:The opinion expressed are personal views of the writer.Constructive criticism for the post is allowed and welcomed.
Creative Courtesy:
Yann Martel's 'Life of Pi"
Similarly zoo is an institution with its own set of rules.The animals are not only kept in the zoo for amusement or recreation.A heap amount of money are spent for them to cater to their needs.The animals behind the enclosures feel safe from predators,unfavourable atmospheric conditions,loss of habitat,fear of poachers,loss of herd/group and even mates and finally the unavailability of food.Perhaps Zoos have all been painted with a darker shade by people.While children enjoy watching the royal bengal tiger yawning and the Siamese crocodile basking in the sun dipping its snout in the water adults let out snorts of disgust with the idea of keeping animals in captive.Are we not being a bit too judgemental about the freedom in the zoo that the animals enjoy? I asked a few of my friends to write an essay on zoo,and I was shocked that all of them have mentioned it as a place which deprives animals of their own habitat and ''freedom''.A place of research,breeding and amusement is what I define a zoo as.If we think a little out of box we can visualise ourselves in a zoo too.Are we not in an enclosure of materialistic comforts,friends and partners,lavish living and fulfilled desires? Yes we are.Who is free in this world? None.When our own planet Earth is not free from the rule of rotating and revolving around its axis and around the sun in its specified orbit then how can we crib about our and the animals' lost freedom.
Freedom is not breaking away from rules,regulations and shackles that bind us.Freedom is never physical its always psychological.We break rules claiming it as breaking free then...we meet with accidents and lose our dear lives.What is that freedom which endangers our very existence.I prefer living in a safe enclosure than roaming in freedom and getting attacked by predator or poacher.If being a human with a thinking mind I choose safety over freedom then why an animal will not opt for safety.At the end of the day we all dearly care for our precious lives.Be it animals or we...There is no difference.
P.S.:The opinion expressed are personal views of the writer.Constructive criticism for the post is allowed and welcomed.
Creative Courtesy:
Yann Martel's 'Life of Pi"
Saturday, 12 September 2015
The Reckoning Wait
Life moves on
turning at some points
sharp,uneasy and ruthless
leaving us to bleed,whimper.
Scream pain and pool tears.
I awaited at infinite stretch
for one who promised
who left with out a spare glance
the wait became reckoning.
The wait is never over
nor it would ever be.
For he is my favourite mistake
I am still awaiting....
turning at some points
sharp,uneasy and ruthless
leaving us to bleed,whimper.
Scream pain and pool tears.
I awaited at infinite stretch
for one who promised
who left with out a spare glance
the wait became reckoning.
The wait is never over
nor it would ever be.
For he is my favourite mistake
I am still awaiting....
Sunday, 9 August 2015
Who Is Divine?
It was the time of Nabakalebara Rath Yatra.I went for the divine 'darshan' of the divine lords.Indeed I was excited to be one among the lakhs to go to the holy city of Puri.The weather was apt for the journey.The sky was hovered with grey clouds creating a possible situation of rains.While we were standing in the crowd awaiting for the turns of our small gathering to enter the temple premises my eyes fell upon a little baby.She was in her mother's arms and her mother was finding it difficult to manage her in the sprawling crowd.I could see a tinge of helplessness in the baby's doe shaped eyes.Though she was n't my kin I felt a strong tug in my heart for her.I asked her mother the reason she had got the baby who is hardly some months old in the crowd.Her reply shocked me.She replied that Nabakalebara Rath Yatra would again be after 19 years so she does n't want her daughter to miss the view of Lords on Aadap Mandap this year.The occassion is very divine and hence she should have 'darshan' of divine lords to get divine blessings,so that she could excel in her life.I was shocked with the explanation.I could n't understand the psychology that a child who has n't uttered a complete meaningful sentence,how could she be able understand the meaning of divine view of lords.I doubt if she could have recognized that at far the seated statues are the Lords.Even before she has seek her education she is being expected to excel in her life.Strange are the dreams and fantasies of people.A child is considered to be the most divine form of God.A child is an epitome of divinely innocence.What could be the more divine than the sparkle of smile on a child's face.The smiles and laughter of a child is the most coveted view.I don't understand why people run in search of divine inspirations when their own soul is the Temple and the conscience is the God.The Parents are the living deities and the child is the divine blessing in disguise.
Hope people understand the truth and realities of Life and withdraw their blind views about certain ways of living and leading life.
P.S.The opinions expressed are the personal opinions of the author based on true life experiences.
Hope people understand the truth and realities of Life and withdraw their blind views about certain ways of living and leading life.
P.S.The opinions expressed are the personal opinions of the author based on true life experiences.
Tuesday, 23 June 2015
Father--- You are a Priceless Possession.
21st June,Sunday marked the Father's Day.The world sprang upon to celebrate the day dedicated to fathers and fatherhood.Indeed fathers are the warriors who endure much than mothers in this turbulent life's ocean currents.They are the first heroes,inspiration,and admiration of our lives.Searching for life's ideal or inspiring icon?? Take a penetrative look at your father.There is your ideal and a man who is worth admiring.
I still remember how my father used to place a towel over the cycle's top tube so that I can comfortably accompany him to the local market.I have often heard my mother grumbling over the fact how I forget my water bottle at school and lose designer pencils.She even threatens that no new pencils would be purchased as a sort of punishment for not becoming responsible about my things.Father frowns yet a new pair of pencils would be secretly kept in my pencil box when mother would be busy in domestic chores.The best thing about fathers are that they surprise us like no other near and dear ones do.
I still remember my first day in school when he took me out holding my fingers in his curled right fist and lead me through the gates of the school.He never asked if I was afraid or would scream and cry out loud once he left me because he had that unflinching faith upon me.I would behave as required in the school.The results time are hard and testing times of a student's life.When all others create a fuss over a not-so-excellent results,he keeps mum and I remember him telling me silently near the balustrades of the balcony that I have the potentiality and talent its just that I need a sheer determination and zeal to utilise them to the best.His one-liners laced with faith and trust act as driving forces.Every stifle matters reach his cochlea.
As we share the same passion for travelling,reading and writing we bond just like friends more than a father-daughter.His love for my hand made tea and constant teases for my love for crisp spicy snacks keep me wondering how I would survive without his presence near me.
My father often says 'Becoming father is no child's play.Its a huge responsibility.'I absolutely agree with him.He is protective and strict yet a great mentor and loving friend on the other side.A person with multi talented caliber;he is the coveted boy,man and friend I dream of possessing.
Its no wonder that why every girl would feel like a princess in her father's arms because every time I cut the onion,lemon or slice the cucumber he keeps on voicing out--'' Who sent you to cut these?Hey! be careful with that knife.Its sharp.Is any anti septic cream there at home or not??''I grin and ask him not to worry too much and pat comes the reply--'' You are my priceless gem.I can't afford to see you get hurt.''
Its needless to say why I consider him as my priceless possession of life.He loves unconditionally yet never shows off.Someday I can find my Prince yet my father shall remain my King.
P.S.:The characters,story and setting is based on true life experiences of the writer.
(A small gift to my father who taught me the first alphabets, counting numbers and taught me the morals of life.Thank you for everything father and especially for bringing me into this beautiful world. )
I still remember how my father used to place a towel over the cycle's top tube so that I can comfortably accompany him to the local market.I have often heard my mother grumbling over the fact how I forget my water bottle at school and lose designer pencils.She even threatens that no new pencils would be purchased as a sort of punishment for not becoming responsible about my things.Father frowns yet a new pair of pencils would be secretly kept in my pencil box when mother would be busy in domestic chores.The best thing about fathers are that they surprise us like no other near and dear ones do.
I still remember my first day in school when he took me out holding my fingers in his curled right fist and lead me through the gates of the school.He never asked if I was afraid or would scream and cry out loud once he left me because he had that unflinching faith upon me.I would behave as required in the school.The results time are hard and testing times of a student's life.When all others create a fuss over a not-so-excellent results,he keeps mum and I remember him telling me silently near the balustrades of the balcony that I have the potentiality and talent its just that I need a sheer determination and zeal to utilise them to the best.His one-liners laced with faith and trust act as driving forces.Every stifle matters reach his cochlea.
As we share the same passion for travelling,reading and writing we bond just like friends more than a father-daughter.His love for my hand made tea and constant teases for my love for crisp spicy snacks keep me wondering how I would survive without his presence near me.
My father often says 'Becoming father is no child's play.Its a huge responsibility.'I absolutely agree with him.He is protective and strict yet a great mentor and loving friend on the other side.A person with multi talented caliber;he is the coveted boy,man and friend I dream of possessing.
Its no wonder that why every girl would feel like a princess in her father's arms because every time I cut the onion,lemon or slice the cucumber he keeps on voicing out--'' Who sent you to cut these?Hey! be careful with that knife.Its sharp.Is any anti septic cream there at home or not??''I grin and ask him not to worry too much and pat comes the reply--'' You are my priceless gem.I can't afford to see you get hurt.''
Its needless to say why I consider him as my priceless possession of life.He loves unconditionally yet never shows off.Someday I can find my Prince yet my father shall remain my King.
P.S.:The characters,story and setting is based on true life experiences of the writer.
(A small gift to my father who taught me the first alphabets, counting numbers and taught me the morals of life.Thank you for everything father and especially for bringing me into this beautiful world. )
Friday, 5 June 2015
Once In The Rain
It was an overcast day with strange chillness engulfing the atmosphere.I assumed that it might rain in the afternoon.I could see my daughter making play boats out of the color papers.I sighed looking at the contrast of the murky shade of the sky and the bright colors of the boats.Suddenly I got the phone call that my boss in the office wants me in the office.I scowled because I had taken a day off to complete some important works at home which I failed to do due to my busy schedule at office and successive tiredness.I picked up my handbag ,office folder and rushed to my neighbour's house with my daughter.Leaving her with their care I hunted for a transport to reach the office.Unfortunately I found none convenient enough to ply in.
Adding to the adversity it suddenly started to drizzle.I searched for the umbrella I usually keep in my handbag but to my utter disappointment I found it missing.I remembered then that I had taken out that to wipe it clean and has completely forgotten to put it back in the bag.Finding no options or any alternatives I ran for shelter into a tea stall.My phone was continously vibrating due to the incoming calls and messages to arrive early at the office for the meeting which was preponed due to unavoidable circumstances.
I was partially wet for the tea stall hardly could provide roof to 6 people.Clutching the folder to my blazer I awaited for the lashing rain showers to stop.Then my eyes met with a familiar face and with a closer inspection I recognised her as my neighbour with whom I was not in good terms before a few days back due to a ugly verbal fighting.She was on her scooty driving back from the departmental store.I immediately extinguished the flicker of hope of getting the lift.
But to my utter consternation she halted a few centimetres away from the tea stall.With quizzing eyes she voiced out --''Are you going to office''?? I nodded in affirmative.She turned her head away from me and looked at the showering rains.I was cursing the rains at that moment for keeping my job at stake.That instant she voiced out again--''Would you like me to drop you at your office,because I am afraid you can't get any autorickshaw in this place and also in this diabolic weather.'' I was surprised at her suggestion,shocked that I had resolved to not take her help in any adversities even.Yet she is suggesting me for a lift on her scooty.With the next call from my colleague to arrive early because the meeting was due to start made me forget all the inhibitions,rejections and considerations in which I was deeply involved a few second ago.
I finally requested her to drop in my office nor I would get late for the meeting.She held out a spare raincoat to me to wear since I had nothing to save myself from getting wet tip to toe.She sped her vehicle through the muddy lanes,lashing showers and amid flashing lightnings and deafening thunders.Ultimately after 25 minutes I reached my office and hopped from the back of the vehicle.I ascended the stairs and pushed open the glass door.She waved me a good bye and I found myself raising my right hand to wave her back.
As I dashed into the conference room,I held an apologetic look and muttered a ''sorry'' to my chief.He held a sight of relief on seeing me hale and hearty despite these non stop rains.After I occupied my allotted seat I remembered that I had not said her a 'Thank You'.I made a note in my mobile so as not to forget this amidst the heap of chores at home.
The rains had finally stopped by the time we wrapped up with the meeting.I folded the raincoat and kept it neatly in a spare bag which I usually kept in my office locker.My colleague cum friend enquired that how I was able to reach the office in this weather.I narrated the events and she was pretty surprised at the turn of the events.She was the one who had consoled me few days back when I was very upset with the differences with my same neighbour.My friend dropped me back home and as soon I dismounted from the vehicle I met my neighbour.She flashed a smile and I remembered that I owe her a 'Thank You'.I took tentative steps and finally I was standing facing her straight.In an audible whisper I said'Thank You for today'.She laughed and I was amused to the core with her behaviors.She then placed her right palm over my left hand knuckles and giving them a mild squeeze she said--''What are neighbours and friends for ?? If they would not stand in each others difficult phases then who would?? I let out a chuckle replying ''Might be people of village''.
Both gave each other a brief look and burst out into a loud laughing.The drizzling started again but we were glad that our differences had got sorted out amidst drizzles,rains and thunders.
P.S..--The characters,scene and the story are purely fictional.Any resemblance with true life and character is completely coincidental.
Tuesday, 19 May 2015
The Unbridled Passion For A Man of 7th Sense--- Mr.Sherlock Holmes
221B,Baker Street,London-- The world wide famous address of the consulting detective Mr.Sherlock Holmes.Accompanied by the physician companion Dr.John Watson and the house land lady Mrs.Hudson,this great detective with an awarded wit and sharp,keen and accurate observational skills undoubtedly creates an illusion of a real man of existence rather than a character derived from the figment of imagination.
The most striking feature of this detective series is that it not only reveals the culprits and the cause of the crimes but also reveals the turmoils of human psychology,the mayhem of the world and paints a perfect picture of the society that showcases the extent of deception,revenge and greed.It highlights the Victorian society to a certain saturation extent while keeping mystery and thrills attached like an unsevered umbilical cord that nourishes the whole story throughout.
Its the commendable talent of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle to have sketched such a character who towers over not only its contemporaries but also its own creator.Giving a list of in which field Sherlock Holmes is proficient in 'The Study in Scarlet'--we can happily declare that he is the man of multiple caliber.With profound knowledge in Chemistry to a master in jujitsu,from playing the violin well to having an immense knowledge in sensational literature...He is not a man,not a person ,not a drawn character but a personality.An inspiring personality who never pushes but lights the flame in heart to go for ''In search of Truth''.
The adaptations of this great character traverse through centuries till today.Many actors have given their best as Sherlock Holmes but Basil Rathbone and Jeremy Brett have been considered the best in playing the quintessential character.People have loved Mr.Sherlock Holmes not because he is an intelligent wizard rather because all his words,actions,theories and deductions are 'elementary'.
He is not only a great helping hand to the Scotland Yard in solving the 'not-so-seemingly-simple' mysteries but he is a great social psychologist.He quickly yet accurately deduces the characteristics,recent and past history of his clients or the suspects from their diction,dressing sense,attitudes and marks on skin e.g.tattoos.
The world and especially the genre of detective and thrillers would always remain grateful to the inspiring figure behind this towering detective characters of all times--Dr.Joseph Bell.Not to forget the striking illustrations by Sidney Paget which gave a quick outline of how does the 'gifted man'look like.Acclaimed for his astute logical reasoning and awing Watson and Hudson with his disguises,he the great Mr.Sherlock Holmes remains as a man of 7th sense for whom I harbor an unbridled passion.
He is a high functioning sociopath for whom it is stupidity rather than courage to refuge to recognize danger when it is close upon us.
''When you have eliminated the impossible whatever remains however improbable must be the truth.''
P.S.:The opinions expressed are personal views of writer except the facts.
Monday, 4 May 2015
The Swirling Feet
''Dance''.... the verb itself signifies freedom,liberation and not surprisingly passion.Today every parents want their child to attain expertise in one or the other performing arts but with me it just happened.Clutching my 'very' long skirt in both my fists I used to swirl a few rounds in my study room and there my teacher happened to notice me.He was our guest for the day and I had no knowledge about his occupation.After a few formalities I shut my self in my own little world of colours,music,books and not to forget the occasional tunes of my anklets.These anklets were the ones who somehow inspired me to dance to my hearts content and for me dance was never a practising art or a career prospective.It was just swaying with the tunes and getting lost in a world away,very far away from melancholic reality.
My formal dancing class started on one fine Sunday afternoon.I with complete interest and attention learned all the steps he taught me.He was a great teacher and companion who not only taught me the dance steps but also taught me steps to take in this oblivious world.My love for dance turned into a passion.I used to swirl a few steps in kitchen much to the amusement of my parents and siblings.The bonding of ours over the cups of cold coffee in scorching summer,piping hot cups of tea in cold winters and learning the dance poses of ras-leela while observing the monsoon showers are etched in memory for ever not to be erased due to any malady.
With the sweet smiles came the pal of gloom when on one indolent afternoon he informed me that he has been chosen as the cultural brand ambassador of Malaysia and he is going to settle there.Tears pooled in my eyes.He wiped the lone tear that escaped my eyelids and promised me to stay in contact.That was the last glimpse of his.I was shaken to the core.I left dancing because each time I posed a pose his straightening of my wrists and fingers in perfect 'mudra,' made me remember him.I was emotionally connected to him and without his guiding presence I felt despondent.Time rolled on and I completed my studies,got a job and got married.
15 years have passed yet.It was the annual night of my 6 years daughter Namya and the moment I watched her tiny foot steps swirling in perfect synchrony to the tunes of a classical tune the dormant dancing soul in me rose from a deep slumber.I however supressed my urge to dance again forgetting all the pathos of my life.Because I was skeptical that how my husband and in-laws would react?? The few skeptical thoughts made my advancing foot slow down.
It was a holiday and I had engrossed in my gardening work.Suddenly I heard the tunes of 'ghungroos' coming from a distance.I carefully listened to the tune and realised that it was none other than my Namya who has worn my ghungroos and is swirling around the room.I smiled at her mischief of taking out my ghungroos from the purse kept at the ennobled platform of the shelf.I looked at the aluminium made ladder stacked to the shelf door and looked at my daughter who was doing poses,pirouettes and was lost in her tiny world of joys.I held her before she stumbled and fall flat on the floor.She smiled and kissed on my cheeks whispering 'Thank You Mumma,your ghungroos are too big to wear and dance.Please get me a pair of my size and I want to join the dancing classes held at my school.'I nodded in affirmation.I saw a glimpse of my child hood in her.
Randomly I took the ghungroos lying on the floor and put my foot to the tunes of 'Shiva Tandav Strotram' played on the deck.The strotram was coming for my mother-in-law's room.I swirled my feet to match the tunes of the melody forgetting my identity and the position I was in.After dancing to my heart's content for a good 20 minutes I was amazed that the dancer in me was still intact.I heaved heavily and wiped the sweat beads from my forehead.I prepared to leave the room and return to my left out work at the garden.Then I got the biggest surprise of my life.My mother-in-law accompanied by father-in-law were looking at me with shocked expressions.I felt bit shy and then I remembered that I had worn the ghungroos whose jingling sounds were enough to attract the attention of others present in close vicinity.I quickly removed them and touched them to my forehead before placing them safely in my purse.I felt short of words as to what explanation and justification to give to my in-law parents.Then my mother-in-law said -''You did a good deal of dancing.That was beautiful''. I stood fixed to ground and in an impulse gave her a tight hug.She caressed and pat my back and asked me to promise that every Sunday afternoon I would present her a show.I was elated to the core and tears threatened to spill through my eyelids.
Again after very long time I danced to my heart's content and that was a pure bliss.I just wish that if I could only see my dance teacher again and learn something more...about dance and life.
P.S.;.--The characters,scene and the story are purely fictional.Any resemblance with true life and character is completely coincidental.
My formal dancing class started on one fine Sunday afternoon.I with complete interest and attention learned all the steps he taught me.He was a great teacher and companion who not only taught me the dance steps but also taught me steps to take in this oblivious world.My love for dance turned into a passion.I used to swirl a few steps in kitchen much to the amusement of my parents and siblings.The bonding of ours over the cups of cold coffee in scorching summer,piping hot cups of tea in cold winters and learning the dance poses of ras-leela while observing the monsoon showers are etched in memory for ever not to be erased due to any malady.
With the sweet smiles came the pal of gloom when on one indolent afternoon he informed me that he has been chosen as the cultural brand ambassador of Malaysia and he is going to settle there.Tears pooled in my eyes.He wiped the lone tear that escaped my eyelids and promised me to stay in contact.That was the last glimpse of his.I was shaken to the core.I left dancing because each time I posed a pose his straightening of my wrists and fingers in perfect 'mudra,' made me remember him.I was emotionally connected to him and without his guiding presence I felt despondent.Time rolled on and I completed my studies,got a job and got married.
15 years have passed yet.It was the annual night of my 6 years daughter Namya and the moment I watched her tiny foot steps swirling in perfect synchrony to the tunes of a classical tune the dormant dancing soul in me rose from a deep slumber.I however supressed my urge to dance again forgetting all the pathos of my life.Because I was skeptical that how my husband and in-laws would react?? The few skeptical thoughts made my advancing foot slow down.
It was a holiday and I had engrossed in my gardening work.Suddenly I heard the tunes of 'ghungroos' coming from a distance.I carefully listened to the tune and realised that it was none other than my Namya who has worn my ghungroos and is swirling around the room.I smiled at her mischief of taking out my ghungroos from the purse kept at the ennobled platform of the shelf.I looked at the aluminium made ladder stacked to the shelf door and looked at my daughter who was doing poses,pirouettes and was lost in her tiny world of joys.I held her before she stumbled and fall flat on the floor.She smiled and kissed on my cheeks whispering 'Thank You Mumma,your ghungroos are too big to wear and dance.Please get me a pair of my size and I want to join the dancing classes held at my school.'I nodded in affirmation.I saw a glimpse of my child hood in her.
Randomly I took the ghungroos lying on the floor and put my foot to the tunes of 'Shiva Tandav Strotram' played on the deck.The strotram was coming for my mother-in-law's room.I swirled my feet to match the tunes of the melody forgetting my identity and the position I was in.After dancing to my heart's content for a good 20 minutes I was amazed that the dancer in me was still intact.I heaved heavily and wiped the sweat beads from my forehead.I prepared to leave the room and return to my left out work at the garden.Then I got the biggest surprise of my life.My mother-in-law accompanied by father-in-law were looking at me with shocked expressions.I felt bit shy and then I remembered that I had worn the ghungroos whose jingling sounds were enough to attract the attention of others present in close vicinity.I quickly removed them and touched them to my forehead before placing them safely in my purse.I felt short of words as to what explanation and justification to give to my in-law parents.Then my mother-in-law said -''You did a good deal of dancing.That was beautiful''. I stood fixed to ground and in an impulse gave her a tight hug.She caressed and pat my back and asked me to promise that every Sunday afternoon I would present her a show.I was elated to the core and tears threatened to spill through my eyelids.
Again after very long time I danced to my heart's content and that was a pure bliss.I just wish that if I could only see my dance teacher again and learn something more...about dance and life.
P.S.;.--The characters,scene and the story are purely fictional.Any resemblance with true life and character is completely coincidental.
Saturday, 28 March 2015
Is That What We Wanted??
''They say the most romantic kind of love is the unfinished kind.The kind that will forever burn and mark your soul"...
The innocent souls Abhishu and Artika met everyday near the under constructed shopping complex after the 3 hours of coaching class sessions which left them tired and completely exhausted.They were above average students of class with dreams and desires like any student of their age and class.Though both were neighbors still they were more comfortable in school and coaching class.Life was not a bed of roses for them still they were happy and satisfied.
Every time they met at 4.30 pm they talked about school,functions,family,sports,recent politics and everything under sun.Their little world revolved around sweet nothings and weaving dreams of future.Every time they parted their ways to go to their respective homes they asked each other the same question days after days,months after months ...''Is That What We Wanted??Will we be able to meet tomorrow??'' Thus their ways used to part with smiles and a hope for the following day.---'' Yes !! this is what they wanted and Yes! they will be able to meet the following day no matter what..'' The words of affirmative however were buried under layers of their frenulum.
When the birds chirped at usual time,the clock at the end of the street ticked away without any fluctuation,the school bell rang at regular intervals,the community was busy with its daily activities..Destiny played a cruel really cruel game.
A hardcore criminal targeted the community to terrorise the Police force.The innocent buds were busy in their small garden of wishes,hopes,faith and love.They were parting at dawn of sunset with the same questions .But surprising each other spoke at same time for the first time...''YES''.However destiny had some other plans stored for them..
Suddenly gunshots were heard and deafening blasts followed.The community that boasted of harmony,cooperation and peace turned into a field of bloodshed and violence in extreme forms.With the 5th blast that targeted the under constructed shopping complex ,the weaver bird's of dreams and love was devastated.Two bodies lay in pool of blood.away from each other at distances with signs of violence unlike them.
The dreams they had woven with each other with the bricks of the complex laid in rubble.Their irregular breaths mingled with the dusty air blowing in smoke filled atmosphere had one question lingering--''Is That What We Wanted??Will we be able to meet tomorrow?? Neither the air,nor the birds had any answers...The clock at the end of the street was hit hard and the time on the clock had come to a stand still.The hours didn't change yet lives changed,atmosphere changed and most importantly Dreams changed.
The flames rose high in the sky from the funeral pyre.The innocent souls had left for the doors of Heaven.The flames intermingled at a distance above ground perhaps answering the complete answer to their doubt filled questions ....The words they could n't complete in their lifetime..
'' Yes !! this is what they wanted and Yes! they will be able to meet the following day no matter what..''....
Some times its not about the ending rather about the story.
''You and I will always be unfinished business..''
P.S.--The characters and the story is entirely fictional.Any resemblance with real life is purely coincidental.
The innocent souls Abhishu and Artika met everyday near the under constructed shopping complex after the 3 hours of coaching class sessions which left them tired and completely exhausted.They were above average students of class with dreams and desires like any student of their age and class.Though both were neighbors still they were more comfortable in school and coaching class.Life was not a bed of roses for them still they were happy and satisfied.
Every time they met at 4.30 pm they talked about school,functions,family,sports,recent politics and everything under sun.Their little world revolved around sweet nothings and weaving dreams of future.Every time they parted their ways to go to their respective homes they asked each other the same question days after days,months after months ...''Is That What We Wanted??Will we be able to meet tomorrow??'' Thus their ways used to part with smiles and a hope for the following day.---'' Yes !! this is what they wanted and Yes! they will be able to meet the following day no matter what..'' The words of affirmative however were buried under layers of their frenulum.
When the birds chirped at usual time,the clock at the end of the street ticked away without any fluctuation,the school bell rang at regular intervals,the community was busy with its daily activities..Destiny played a cruel really cruel game.
A hardcore criminal targeted the community to terrorise the Police force.The innocent buds were busy in their small garden of wishes,hopes,faith and love.They were parting at dawn of sunset with the same questions .But surprising each other spoke at same time for the first time...''YES''.However destiny had some other plans stored for them..
Suddenly gunshots were heard and deafening blasts followed.The community that boasted of harmony,cooperation and peace turned into a field of bloodshed and violence in extreme forms.With the 5th blast that targeted the under constructed shopping complex ,the weaver bird's of dreams and love was devastated.Two bodies lay in pool of blood.away from each other at distances with signs of violence unlike them.
The dreams they had woven with each other with the bricks of the complex laid in rubble.Their irregular breaths mingled with the dusty air blowing in smoke filled atmosphere had one question lingering--''Is That What We Wanted??Will we be able to meet tomorrow?? Neither the air,nor the birds had any answers...The clock at the end of the street was hit hard and the time on the clock had come to a stand still.The hours didn't change yet lives changed,atmosphere changed and most importantly Dreams changed.
The flames rose high in the sky from the funeral pyre.The innocent souls had left for the doors of Heaven.The flames intermingled at a distance above ground perhaps answering the complete answer to their doubt filled questions ....The words they could n't complete in their lifetime..
'' Yes !! this is what they wanted and Yes! they will be able to meet the following day no matter what..''....
Some times its not about the ending rather about the story.
''You and I will always be unfinished business..''
P.S.--The characters and the story is entirely fictional.Any resemblance with real life is purely coincidental.
Friday, 6 March 2015
The Library and Afternoons
What if you meet nearly everyday and yet remain strangers till eternity.Sometimes a few words do not surface because the question jerks the cerebrum ''What I am to him/her''?? And there stops the generation of a new relation.Faces turn around.The falling yellow afternoon leaves are only witnesses to the unnamed,unbiased and under developed relationship.
It was such an afternoon when Nandita went to the three storeyed building study centre.Semester was fast approaching and there was a need for elaborative rehearsal of notes for majors.Strapping the 'Pristine' monogram bag she was taking forward her steps absent mindedly. An array of fantasies,questions and classroom scenes flashing across her eyes now and then .In precise,she was lost.Ouch! Did something hit her?? Yes! A falling yellow leaf and a part of a broken blue chalk.Though the leaf didn't hurt her the chalk surely did it's infamous job.She lifted her gaze to scrutinize the environment who the prankster was?? And there she found three pairs of eyes looking at her in apology.Wait! Apology? Ruling out two pairs of eyes there was one pair which seemed more of scrutinizing her rather than a brief apologetic look.The same dark pair of eyes which she has been meeting since the very day she had taken a wrong route to library.That day the eyes had a frustrating look and desperation of searching something lost until that time.May be friends or perhaps library.Well! she had other matters at hand to complete than to analyse the mystery behind the two rolling pupils.Over two years those eyes have turned from frustration and desperation to a mischief glint.This certain Mr.X with talking and mystery pupils had certainly reserved a sequestered place in her cerebrum.She knew nothing about the affairs around the library except the pupils of Mr.X.,the library card and falling yellow leaves of the Deodar trees.Yet the time came.The time to depart.Though she felt nostalgic of all moments of her spent in the institution yet the library and afternoons and the dark pupils of Mr.X. tugged a string in her heart.She was surprised when a teardrop trickled down her left cheek.Was that a fond memory or heart rending past?? Answers yet unanswered.
She went to the library for a final look where she had spent her afternoons raking through the book shelves searching for a single topic in voluminous piles of foreign authors.She again stole a look at the deodar tree whose yellow,ripened and senescent leaves falling in piles on the sandy path.There he was even today.Those pupils wore a look somewhat similar to the mood on the first day.What was that dullness today?? May be Friends,may be farewell ceremony,may be memories and Can it be She??
Mr.X. smiled a bit and that left her shocked to core.She stood so amazed that she forgot to respond back a smile.Perplexed and confused she turned her head away.That was the end of the glances of moody pupils nearly everyday near the library in the afternoons under the shade of deodar trees and their canopy of yellow and green leaves.The essence has remained for an eternity.Both turned around for a while and flashed grins because ,Perhaps and may be they knew -- That was the End for them to embark a new Beginning.
P.S.--The characters,scene and the story are purely fictional.Any resemblance with true life and character is completely coincidental.
It was such an afternoon when Nandita went to the three storeyed building study centre.Semester was fast approaching and there was a need for elaborative rehearsal of notes for majors.Strapping the 'Pristine' monogram bag she was taking forward her steps absent mindedly. An array of fantasies,questions and classroom scenes flashing across her eyes now and then .In precise,she was lost.Ouch! Did something hit her?? Yes! A falling yellow leaf and a part of a broken blue chalk.Though the leaf didn't hurt her the chalk surely did it's infamous job.She lifted her gaze to scrutinize the environment who the prankster was?? And there she found three pairs of eyes looking at her in apology.Wait! Apology? Ruling out two pairs of eyes there was one pair which seemed more of scrutinizing her rather than a brief apologetic look.The same dark pair of eyes which she has been meeting since the very day she had taken a wrong route to library.That day the eyes had a frustrating look and desperation of searching something lost until that time.May be friends or perhaps library.Well! she had other matters at hand to complete than to analyse the mystery behind the two rolling pupils.Over two years those eyes have turned from frustration and desperation to a mischief glint.This certain Mr.X with talking and mystery pupils had certainly reserved a sequestered place in her cerebrum.She knew nothing about the affairs around the library except the pupils of Mr.X.,the library card and falling yellow leaves of the Deodar trees.Yet the time came.The time to depart.Though she felt nostalgic of all moments of her spent in the institution yet the library and afternoons and the dark pupils of Mr.X. tugged a string in her heart.She was surprised when a teardrop trickled down her left cheek.Was that a fond memory or heart rending past?? Answers yet unanswered.
She went to the library for a final look where she had spent her afternoons raking through the book shelves searching for a single topic in voluminous piles of foreign authors.She again stole a look at the deodar tree whose yellow,ripened and senescent leaves falling in piles on the sandy path.There he was even today.Those pupils wore a look somewhat similar to the mood on the first day.What was that dullness today?? May be Friends,may be farewell ceremony,may be memories and Can it be She??
Mr.X. smiled a bit and that left her shocked to core.She stood so amazed that she forgot to respond back a smile.Perplexed and confused she turned her head away.That was the end of the glances of moody pupils nearly everyday near the library in the afternoons under the shade of deodar trees and their canopy of yellow and green leaves.The essence has remained for an eternity.Both turned around for a while and flashed grins because ,Perhaps and may be they knew -- That was the End for them to embark a new Beginning.
P.S.--The characters,scene and the story are purely fictional.Any resemblance with true life and character is completely coincidental.
Wednesday, 28 January 2015
II-Certitude of Silence-II
There we met and departed
reasons unknown and obscure yet
the leaves swayed
and we turn again.
That was not the last farewell
albeit there was no first beginning
still the dark black orbs enticed
swept me and I lost.
I had nothing to gain
be it your happiness and sorrows
i had to only smile and weep
and you unaware of both stances.
It was never a fairy tale
I must confess
Your scrutinizing eyes and
the grimaced smirks said it all.
There was no words still
but the eyes spoke volumes
and yet we stand apart
still as strangers.
The magnitude of our feelings
yet to be verified
but I believe it that
we will pass for certitude!!
reasons unknown and obscure yet
the leaves swayed
and we turn again.
That was not the last farewell
albeit there was no first beginning
still the dark black orbs enticed
swept me and I lost.
I had nothing to gain
be it your happiness and sorrows
i had to only smile and weep
and you unaware of both stances.
It was never a fairy tale
I must confess
Your scrutinizing eyes and
the grimaced smirks said it all.
There was no words still
but the eyes spoke volumes
and yet we stand apart
still as strangers.
The magnitude of our feelings
yet to be verified
but I believe it that
we will pass for certitude!!
Sunday, 25 January 2015
Letters and Replies!!
''Writing is not letters on paper.Its communication.Its Memory.''-Issac Marion
They say writing letters is the purest form of friendship we humans can possibly express.How true!! Letters are something for which we all irrespective of our age wait eagerly.Be it an appointment letter or counselling letter be it in form of invitation for family or friends gathering or celebrations--letters have their own charm,charisma and ways.Once a letter is written we await for the reply.Some get disappointed when the reply never comes back.Yes it is true it feels tangible.Once a letter is sealed in the envelope and a stamp is neatly stuck on it we harbor the hope of a 'reply'.Even the options in the cellphone in message box has one option 'reply'.While writing letters we capture ourselves in a moment and then give that moment to some one else.In life its tangible and hurting but the bitter truth that ''Few out of everything we fall for are often never reciprocated.''
Many people mourn that except formal letters the essence and existence of informal letters have vanished.But the most strange fact is that the people who mourn the fact of vanishing hand written informal letters have never attempted to write one in recent times. Its always very simple and quite easy to put words but diagonally that much difficult and painstaking to put the words into actions.Well I believe that writing letters is a pleasure in itself.Letters provide us with good company in solitude.It not only gives us company but a hope to live,survive and fight for.
The letters have such a power that the sms or few emoticons cannot provide.No matter how much our communication technology gets advanced the essence,enigma and encouragement of letter can never falter or fade away.While writing away letters is cumbersome for some its only a flicker of hope in many lives.And compatible to writing letters ,reply holds a vital role.A reply-small or big brings a smile worth million dollars and a spark in eyes worth thousand twinkling stars.In this roller coaster drive of life letters sometimes give us a path to follow,a hope to conquer and reason to survive.
Hence keep writing letters to your near,dear and beloved ones.Replies might come or never come it hardly matters.Just keep on writing.And those who have received letters please reply because someone in this maddening crowd loves you with all his/her heart and time.Don't disappoint them and respect their love for you.Life is very short to hold any grudges.Reply even to an apology letter.Because some things in life can never be brought and reciprocated.All we have is a give-take relationship to maintain.Cherish the love for each other through letters...
They say writing letters is the purest form of friendship we humans can possibly express.How true!! Letters are something for which we all irrespective of our age wait eagerly.Be it an appointment letter or counselling letter be it in form of invitation for family or friends gathering or celebrations--letters have their own charm,charisma and ways.Once a letter is written we await for the reply.Some get disappointed when the reply never comes back.Yes it is true it feels tangible.Once a letter is sealed in the envelope and a stamp is neatly stuck on it we harbor the hope of a 'reply'.Even the options in the cellphone in message box has one option 'reply'.While writing letters we capture ourselves in a moment and then give that moment to some one else.In life its tangible and hurting but the bitter truth that ''Few out of everything we fall for are often never reciprocated.''
Many people mourn that except formal letters the essence and existence of informal letters have vanished.But the most strange fact is that the people who mourn the fact of vanishing hand written informal letters have never attempted to write one in recent times. Its always very simple and quite easy to put words but diagonally that much difficult and painstaking to put the words into actions.Well I believe that writing letters is a pleasure in itself.Letters provide us with good company in solitude.It not only gives us company but a hope to live,survive and fight for.
The letters have such a power that the sms or few emoticons cannot provide.No matter how much our communication technology gets advanced the essence,enigma and encouragement of letter can never falter or fade away.While writing away letters is cumbersome for some its only a flicker of hope in many lives.And compatible to writing letters ,reply holds a vital role.A reply-small or big brings a smile worth million dollars and a spark in eyes worth thousand twinkling stars.In this roller coaster drive of life letters sometimes give us a path to follow,a hope to conquer and reason to survive.
Hence keep writing letters to your near,dear and beloved ones.Replies might come or never come it hardly matters.Just keep on writing.And those who have received letters please reply because someone in this maddening crowd loves you with all his/her heart and time.Don't disappoint them and respect their love for you.Life is very short to hold any grudges.Reply even to an apology letter.Because some things in life can never be brought and reciprocated.All we have is a give-take relationship to maintain.Cherish the love for each other through letters...
Saturday, 17 January 2015
The 'Strength' Of 'Small Things'
A very ''Happy New Year''to all my friends and readers here.:) Having dealt and wrapping up with studies;I felt a raw desire to type out few words inspired from a story which I came across a few days back.
Well!! Don't get terrified I am not retelling the entire story for the story here is a trifling matter,what I found vital and worth sharing is the fact highlighted in the story.The fact-''STRENGTH OF SMALL THINGS''.
Everyone of us are equipped with things ranging from small,medium,big,large and gigantic.Things are brought ,used and after sometimes dumped.Its nothing new.Right?But have you ever noticed an old key which your grandparents or parents use to open an almirah or the trunk?If yes then have you wondered the 'strength of the key"?The strength of the key is negligible in front of your well maintained fit body which can turn bricks into dust.But then imagine a situation:-
You have your train ticket inside that almirah.You have your train at 5.30 pm.You went out of your house for some important assignment and got extremely late there.Still managing your time you head for the railway station at 4.15 pm.Suddenly you find that you have forgotten to get your ticket from the almirah.You thrust the key inside the lock .And then the key turns a bit and retreats back to its position.The lock does not open.You retry for three to four times but all your sincere efforts to open the almirah goes in vain.You then using all your strength and energy bang the almirah door which again goes futile.You twitch the key several times and alas! the key dents.By this time the clock shows 4.55 pm.One look at the clock or your wrist watch ,you ball your fist to give another bang on almirah sending two three silent prayers and promising and making deal with almighty.If by Almighty's divine grace or the old key's pity for your wrecked condition the lock opens (by chance) you retrieve the ticket and rush.Again it is completely your lucky stars if the train is late or just leaving the platform;but if you are not quite fortunate then you can see the cross mark(X) of the locomotive.
The saga of the strength of small things do not end here.It once so happened that a seven year old could not be saved because her father could not break the lock of the front door which her mother had put before going to the local market.The fire engulfed the house and the heat of the flames melted the lever of the lock making it impossible to open at that moment.Due to a small lock a precious life turned into ashes.The strength of half a dozen strong and stout men went into trash in front of the strength of a small lock.Similarly there are instances of buildings and localities catching fire due to small piece of lit cigarette thrown carelessly or short circuits.Small issues,clues,cues lead to path breaking discoveries,explorations and inventions.
Small things are firm and constant.Their all energy is converged at performing only one task and there lies their strength.
So my dear friends and readers take care of the small things you are equipped with and plan alternatives or substitutes for them .
Thank you all for reading this.Sorry for any grammatical errors,Constructive criticism for the post is accepted.
N.B.:The opinions expressed are personal views.
Creative Courtsey :Manjula Padmanabhan
Well!! Don't get terrified I am not retelling the entire story for the story here is a trifling matter,what I found vital and worth sharing is the fact highlighted in the story.The fact-''STRENGTH OF SMALL THINGS''.
Everyone of us are equipped with things ranging from small,medium,big,large and gigantic.Things are brought ,used and after sometimes dumped.Its nothing new.Right?But have you ever noticed an old key which your grandparents or parents use to open an almirah or the trunk?If yes then have you wondered the 'strength of the key"?The strength of the key is negligible in front of your well maintained fit body which can turn bricks into dust.But then imagine a situation:-
You have your train ticket inside that almirah.You have your train at 5.30 pm.You went out of your house for some important assignment and got extremely late there.Still managing your time you head for the railway station at 4.15 pm.Suddenly you find that you have forgotten to get your ticket from the almirah.You thrust the key inside the lock .And then the key turns a bit and retreats back to its position.The lock does not open.You retry for three to four times but all your sincere efforts to open the almirah goes in vain.You then using all your strength and energy bang the almirah door which again goes futile.You twitch the key several times and alas! the key dents.By this time the clock shows 4.55 pm.One look at the clock or your wrist watch ,you ball your fist to give another bang on almirah sending two three silent prayers and promising and making deal with almighty.If by Almighty's divine grace or the old key's pity for your wrecked condition the lock opens (by chance) you retrieve the ticket and rush.Again it is completely your lucky stars if the train is late or just leaving the platform;but if you are not quite fortunate then you can see the cross mark(X) of the locomotive.
The saga of the strength of small things do not end here.It once so happened that a seven year old could not be saved because her father could not break the lock of the front door which her mother had put before going to the local market.The fire engulfed the house and the heat of the flames melted the lever of the lock making it impossible to open at that moment.Due to a small lock a precious life turned into ashes.The strength of half a dozen strong and stout men went into trash in front of the strength of a small lock.Similarly there are instances of buildings and localities catching fire due to small piece of lit cigarette thrown carelessly or short circuits.Small issues,clues,cues lead to path breaking discoveries,explorations and inventions.
Small things are firm and constant.Their all energy is converged at performing only one task and there lies their strength.
So my dear friends and readers take care of the small things you are equipped with and plan alternatives or substitutes for them .
Thank you all for reading this.Sorry for any grammatical errors,Constructive criticism for the post is accepted.
N.B.:The opinions expressed are personal views.
Creative Courtsey :Manjula Padmanabhan
Tuesday, 13 January 2015
When we remember !!...
It is then when the moment when we hear those mushy and heart rending songs on our cellphone or via any other sources we feel the salty waters have trickled down the cheeks without our knowledge and consent.Its not the lyrics of the song or the voice of the singer who sung it so soulfully but its the emotions,feelings and the people attached to the very lines of the lyrics.Be the sweet ones or the bitter ones memories flood across our minds.Life is not the roller coaster ride only rather an extempore audition or examination.From the very day of nestling in our mother's womb till the moment of turning into 3-4 handful of ashes we take examinations.Unpredictable tomorrows,betraying relationships,bottling desires,bizarre dreams,hopeless today,haunting yesterdays,dark secrets and the list goes on.But it's the ultimate truth that we can never lie to us.Matters of heart and matters of soul are sometimes too tangled to be again put into straight lines.But still we have to be optimistic.Searching for a glint of hope for the whole lifetime.Time runs rather flies and we keep on chasing it.But does that makes matter better?? Do they in real sense.
Some of the 1000s people we come across in our whole life time a handful cross our mind and heart for more than once in every prosperity and peril.And we label them as''dear ones''.And for the one whom we fall head over heels-'our loved one'.Life gives us then a hard test.Egos surface,ignorance deepens and we stand poles apart.Perhaps that's not the way we ever wanted the events to take along the course.Do we?? Heart never reasons and that's the biggest trouble.Even if we know that something can never be reciprocated yet the heart reasons volumes and put the analytic brain to rest.Again the heart wins over us.We see dreams,possess hope and run from the painful ,out of control reality.Each time there is any link indicating them then we grab it without hesitation.Why?? They are our ''loved one's''...
When it rains,or when it's too cold or when the day is too bright ,we remember them.Because we love them.We say 'season's greetings'.Albeit we remember them through the drops or rain,rays of sun,droplets of dew and shades of moonlight the question lingers ''Are they feeling the same for us?? Do they remember us ?? And do they even bother??
And then reality gate crashes us again.Pulls us again ruthlessly from the self made fantasy world of sweet events and then YOU ARE ALONE ON THE ROOF ,ON THE TERRACE,IN THE ROOM AND IN THE WORLD...
Some of the 1000s people we come across in our whole life time a handful cross our mind and heart for more than once in every prosperity and peril.And we label them as''dear ones''.And for the one whom we fall head over heels-'our loved one'.Life gives us then a hard test.Egos surface,ignorance deepens and we stand poles apart.Perhaps that's not the way we ever wanted the events to take along the course.Do we?? Heart never reasons and that's the biggest trouble.Even if we know that something can never be reciprocated yet the heart reasons volumes and put the analytic brain to rest.Again the heart wins over us.We see dreams,possess hope and run from the painful ,out of control reality.Each time there is any link indicating them then we grab it without hesitation.Why?? They are our ''loved one's''...
When it rains,or when it's too cold or when the day is too bright ,we remember them.Because we love them.We say 'season's greetings'.Albeit we remember them through the drops or rain,rays of sun,droplets of dew and shades of moonlight the question lingers ''Are they feeling the same for us?? Do they remember us ?? And do they even bother??
And then reality gate crashes us again.Pulls us again ruthlessly from the self made fantasy world of sweet events and then YOU ARE ALONE ON THE ROOF ,ON THE TERRACE,IN THE ROOM AND IN THE WORLD...
Friday, 9 January 2015
A Calculating mistake and You!!
I clearly remember the days of my 1st weekly test of class 3 when I was the favourite student of all teachers.... i have a bad habit of committing simple silly ,stupid mistakes that to in maths.....Shefali miss was my maths teacher and she was so lovely and encouraging...i have never seen her getting angry over anyone.
But that weekly test of class 3 changed me a lot...i had committed a simple mistake..3+2=6.(silliest mistake of life).When the copy was shown in the class I found out that it was 49 out of 50.highest ! so happy... but miss called me ''Lina! come here holding your ears and slapping yourself till u reach near me....'' i was embarrassed,i was angry and it was a shameful situation for me...i having no other option had to carry out her orders.she then twisted my ears and showed me the blunder i had committed.the whole class giggled and some were happy that i got punishment... i cried that day not bcuz i got such insult but for the teasings of my classmates...from then whenever i do any calculations i remember that day and Shefali miss....
But it 's the greatest shock for me that she is no more.... her twisting of my ears remind me of her.....i miss her the most .... i feel desperate to wish her ''happy teachers' day'' and seek her blessings but .....:'( ...
i miss u ma'm.... i m now not committing mistake in calculating 3+2=5.
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